Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

just belìeve in our love

: my hubby

are you listen to my words,
and have you ever thìnk about it?
If there're mìstakes i've made,
please tell me,
but judge me not.
cause i really dont know,
i really do

when i was a lonely person,
then your comìng will loosing that loneliness,
cause u've come with your heart,
and u're here to fìll my heart

and as everybody has known,
bout me and you,
bout us,
there're smiling ìn their lookin face and no need to be rushed,
to a simply prayer i've heard,
that anything would never make us apart

don't you realize
what has happen?
even we're having our own body in flesh,
but my heart was yours indeed,
as yours was mine

and never i'll fail you,
ever fail you not
cause our love is bout our destiny
and death loose ìts power in our unity

taking my life,
is not gonna kill my love,
cause we were one,
oh yes, you the one,
the only one..

And my love..
our togetherness was just a temporary,
but memories are eternity,
and we just become a simple we,
as you love me
for who i am,
as me

..as i love you more than you do.

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